Dave Bennett, Chief Executive Officer, pCare
Carina Edwards, CEO, Quil

The Healthcare Mosaic
Of the 25% of healthcare costs associated with wasteful spending, upwards of $78billion annually are attributed to a failure of care coordination. In most cases, all of these dollars are also associated with incidents of a bad experience encountered by patients, by provides and in many cases all stakeholders including caregivers and payers. From incidents of inconvenience to sentinel events, through the intelligent use of technology across the continuum, providers are well positioned like never before to address the spectrum of issue that result from a lack of care coordination.
One size does not fit all. But via interoperability, data sharing, and envisioning/embracing the “healthcare mosaic,” a coordinated experience delivering better outcomes and experience for all stakeholders is within our grasps.
Watch this PX Marketplace Webinar sponsored by The Beryl Institute for tactics to:
• Identify key failure points in care coordination.
• Outline how to build a holistic solution that responds to today’s consumer demands.
• Summarize the benefits of the platform approach that meets people where they are.
To access this webinar, enter your information below.